Press releases 14. October 2023

Building Fair BAUMA 2022

From 24 to 30 October 2022, the 33rd edition of the world trade fair for the construction industry, construction machinery and building materials took place at the Munich Exhibition Centre.

Our company was represented directly by the managing directors of the company – Jozef Kľúčik and Milan Lednický. They described their first feelings in one word – giganticism.

One word could describe everything from the size of the exhibition space to the range of exhibitors. With the largest exhibition areas in the world, the exhibitors had no limits and there was truly something to admire on the show floor. One day to explore was really not enough.

Why did we decide to visit BAUMA?

A significant part of our production portfolio – automatic strapping machines – is currently used mainly by manufacturers of building materials, and at BAUME we had the opportunity to meet important key players and leaders in this industry segment. Our company has implemented a number of successful projects for customers in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, as well as in European Union countries, and we continue to expand our presence in the packaging technology market.

On the first days of the fair, we aimed to find out the satisfaction of existing customers and establish new working relationships. We can consider this goal successfully fulfilled and in addition to a number of meetings with existing customers, we were also able to establish new contacts with internationally renowned experts in the construction industry.

Other days our executives marvelled at the sheer size of the construction machinery, vehicles and equipment on display during the fair.

We look forward to the next editions.

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