Press releases 14. October 2023

Human lives must be saved

Milan Lednický (CEO, Managing Director of W rent, s. r. o.) can boast a silver Janský plaque, which he received for twenty blood donations. Why donate blood?

It doesn’t matter what your profession, education or even how you slept in the morning. Every day you can choose to save someone’s life. Donating blood is the greatest show of love to patients who need this precious fluid. This noble act takes us a few hours. The drops of blood we donate can help in surgery or to bring a new baby into the world in the maternity ward.

Who was Professor MUDr. Ján Janský?

Jan Janský, M.D. was a Czech neurologist and psychiatrist, but above all a personality who was the first to describe the division of human blood into four basic blood groups. He was a promoter of blood donation. In his honour, voluntary blood donors in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are awarded the Plaque of Professor Jan Jan Janský.

Congratulations to Milan Lednicki for his heroic gesture as a resident of Slovakia to his patients and for being a great role model, both to the employees of our company and to the general public. Therefore, we also invite you, dear readers, to donate the most precious red liquid. You can make a donation at any time. Every drop counts!

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