In the days 13. – 14. 10. 2022 mala naša spoločnosť tú česť sa zúčastniť na jubilejnom 10. československom obalovom kongrese OBALKO. Hlavnou témou jubilejného ročníka bol FuturePack – zameranie sa na budúcnosť obalov.
We were represented at the congress by: Milan Lednický (CEO) and Ing. Katarína Ivanová (key account manager). Representatives of W rent traveled to nearby Prague for the congress.
Milan Lednický (CEO):
“The days we spent at the congress were of great benefit to us. They brought us new information in the area in which we are involved as a company, but most importantly they brought us new business relationships where we could meet many successful representatives of the Czechoslovak packaging industry. The organization of the high quality OBALKO congress was organized in such a way as to attract many visitors. Pleasant lectures, which were marked by topical issues, a pleasant evening program, but most of all many inspiring speakers, who brought us as visitors closer to the world of the packaging industry. We are glad that my colleague and I were able to attend the largest gathering of packaging professionals in Central Europe, and together we focused on FuturePack. We look forward to the next editions of OBALKA.”