Press releases 14. October 2023

SLOVLOG – the rhythm of Slovak logistics since 2007

24. 11. 2022 sa naši obchodní zástupcovia zúčastnili na kongrese SLOVLOG v Bratislave. SLOVLOG sa považuje nielen za najstarší, ale aj za najväčší kongres v oblasti logistiky na Slovensku.

This year was marked by a focus on costs. This year our company was represented by Milan Lednický (CEO), Katarína Ivanová (Sales Manager), Andrej Vavro (Sales Manager) and Martin Kadlečík (Packaging Technology Sales).

After the introduction, Anastasiya Vladimirovna Kuzmina gave a lecture, talking about the beginnings of her career, the reasons for leaving Russia for Slovakia, her successes and failures, but also about the logistics that have to work perfectly in order for the team to function properly.

The second point of the congress was a speech by a gentleman from the National Bank of Slovakia, who lectured on the development of inflation in the world and in Slovakia.

The third point was a discussion on cost reduction in companies. Six company representatives and owners gathered to present their experiences on how they have dealt with rising input costs and how they have managed to increase the price of their products and services to the end customer as little as possible. Another positive benefit for our company was meeting with customers that our representatives were able to interview.

A representative from IKEA presented the experience with AVG automated trolleys and another representative presented the experience of automation of shop window management in the automotive industry.

At the end of the congress, our representatives had the opportunity to listen to interesting information in the field of logistics.

We thank the representatives from W rent, s. r. o. who passed on interesting experiences and insights. We are looking forward to the next congress.

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